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Online Safety

At Nields we are fully committed to keeping our pupils and staff safe when online and acknowledge this in our school safeguarding procedures.

As a community, we value the opportunities offered by the internet and other technologies used in everyday life but at the same time, we educate our children about the risks and highlight the steps we need to take to avoid them both in and out of school.

Our Online Safety Lead is Mr J Toon, who works in close partnership with the Leadership team and all school staff. As staff, we ensure that online safety awareness is an integral part of our computing curriculum in classes as well as in cross-curricular lessons and assemblies.

Our expectations for responsible and appropriate conduct are set out in our Acceptable Use Policies (AUP), which we expect all staff and pupils to follow. Every child takes the AUP home to read with parents and without parental signatures, children are not permitted to use the internet unsupervised.


If you have any questions or concerns relating to online safety, please contact the school office.

For AGE RESTRICTIONS in place for apps and games please click on the image below:


The NSPCC have highlighted the TWITCH app which you can find out more about by clicking the image below.

Download the Twitch App


Other very useful sites are:

Online Safety

Child Safety Online

 A practical guide for parents and carers.


Tips, advice and resources.


Online safety advice for parents/carers.

Safety in Lockdown and Beyond.

Information and support for parents/carers.

Resources and information about Online safety.



Helping parents/carers keep their children safe online.


A guide to using the Internet safely

Information and guidance on how to ‘stay safe’ online.

This web site gives advice for children and parents on bullying.


Information about Tik Tok 


Tik Tok app - what parents need to know.





Supports and teaches families about being safe online.

Thinkuknow is the education programme which protects children both online and offline. 

Information and guidance on understanding the digital world and how to get more involved.