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Welcome to Nields Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)


 PTFA Committee 

Emma Shannon - Chair

Graeme Attwood - Treasurer

Claire Brooder - Secretary


Who are the PTFA?

All families are automatically members of our PTFA when their child joins our school.  We have a PTFA committee which is made up of a small group of parents and teachers who meet regularly to discuss fundraising initiatives and organise events, and is supported by other parents and school staff who volunteer their time.  We welcome any offers of help, ideas or feedback of our events.

teamwork 2

What do the PTFA do?

The PTFA raises money for equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities.

The PTFA also exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal. 


How do we raise money?

The majority of our funds are raised through the events we organise during the school year such as:

  • School discos
  • Summer and Christmas fayres
  • Smartie Challenge
  • Movie nights
  • Wreath Making

We have also been very successful in our grant applications and over the last 3 years have been awarded over £20,000 in national and local grants as well our events raising in the region of £28,000.

This money has been used to fund the following:

  • Trim Trail
  • Redeveloping an area of the school grounds to create Nields Garden
  • Relocation and creation of the library into the porta cabin
  • Laptops and Ipads
  • Improvement to the Early Years outside area

How you can get involved...

The more we raise, the more our children gain. Donations from parents or local businesses are extremely important.  You can donate time, money, items for sale, raffle prizes or offers of services, skills or contacts. You can contact us by emailing hello@nieldsPTFA.org

You can be kept up to date with all our PTFA activities and requests of help via Facebook.

If you are a current parent of a pupil at our school, please request to join our facebook group ‘Nields School and PTFA Page.’ 

We also have a community facebook page ‘Nields School and PTFA Community’ which is open to everyone.  
